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  • New loafers chewed up by untrained puppy. $200.
  • Vet bills from stitches when untrained Fido got off leash and ran into the bad part of the park..... and attacked by another dog. $1,300
  • New couch to replace scratched, ripped, and chewed up cushions after 10 months with an ill-mannered untrained dog. $3,000
  • You and your well-trained dog's happiness & safety....... saving your best friend's life.PRICELESS!

I once read that "people get pets because of their behavior, and often get rid of them because of their behavior". When pet owners fail to teach their pet’s appropriate behaviors, both animals and people can be injured and pets can lose their homes.

Training is important in helping to keep pets safe, and I believe the most important part of any training is clearly communicating to your dog what you want him to do. While many dogs learn how to perform tasks while "on leash" some dogs' responses deteriorate once the leash is removed. The most important task for care givers is training their pets for life in and outside their homes.

Behavior training is one of the most important aspects of raising a dog. In fact, a well-trained dog is by far a happier dog! Why? A trained dog is safer and requires fewer restrictions. The more reliable the dog, the more freedom he is given. You and your dog's lives will be more pleasant and fulfilling with training.

For example, many stores and businesses welcome a dog that will walk nicely by his owner's side, or will do a sit, down, or wait without hesitation. When company arrives, there's no need to banish a well-behaved dog to another room for fear that he will be a royal nuisance. A well-mannered, obedience-trained dog is both appreciated and welcome; he receives more attention and interaction from family members, visitors, and passers-by, than does the ill-mannered dog.

You as Your Dog's Leader:

Training serves to strengthen the bond between a dog and his owner. It builds communication, understanding, and mutual respect, and subtly but effectively demonstrates to your dog that you're the leader of your pack. If your dog doesn't respect you as his leader, you may both be in big trouble, particularly if he's a bit rowdy or dominant by nature.

Training May Save Your Dog's Life:

Behavior training helps your dog become more responsive; it enables you to have immediate control over your dog's behavior and in emergency situations obedience training may save your dog's life. In fact, it can ultimately save the lives of many dogs, because far fewer dogs would end up in animal shelters if their owners would simply take the time to train them.

For those dogs that do need homes, a trained dog is far easier to adopt out to a new home than an untrained one.

Statistics show; puppies that receive early socialization, obedience, and temperament training are far less likely to end up being destroyed by the time they turn three years of age than those that do not receive this early training.

The Consequences of an Untrained Dog:

Without proper training, many dogs are likely to misbehave; and when owners allow their dogs to misbehave, everyone suffers:

  • The owner, because he or she lives with an unmanageable dog.
  • The dog, because everyone's down on him for misbehaving.
  • The neighbor, because living next to a difficult dog is no one's idea of fun
  • And ultimately every dog owner, because each incidence where a dog creates a nuisance increases anti-dog sentiment, and contributes to the likelihood that tougher legal restrictions will be placed on all dogs and owners.

Behavior Training Benefits Everyone:

A well-behaved, trained dog is a pleasure to own because he can go virtually anywhere without being a risk or nuisance to others. Don't we all want a dog who exhibits appropriate behavior in a crowd, with guests in our home, around children, with other dogs, and with passers-by?

The bottom line is that fundamental dog training truly benefits everyone, and makes your lives together easier and happier.

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